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United for an Amazon Forever BIOAMAZONIA NETWORK

Biodiversity Research and Innovation Institutes

Bioamazonia Network in the COP16

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Bioamazonia Network

Biodiversity Research and Innovation Institutes

The Bioamazonia Network is a regional instrument with the mission of integrating and strengthening the capacities of its member institutes, promoting the generation and exchange of knowledge in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and the development and transfer of innovative solutions and technologies for the Amazonia bioeconomy.


The General Assembly is the annual meeting of representatives of the Network's members. To hold the General Assembly, each member of the Network will send their highest authority or designated representative with voting rights. Institutions may nominate additional non-voting participants. At the proposal of any member of the Network, the Steering Committee may invite experts and/or representatives of external organizations to participate in the Network’s meetings. The official languages of the Network will be Spanish and Portuguese. In case of entry of members from Amazonian countries with other official languages, the Steering Committee will evaluate the adoption of the respective official languages.

The General Assembly will attempt to make decisions by consensus. If this is not possible, it will be decided by majority vote. If the vote does not refer to a person or persons, the vote will be carried out by manual voting, otherwise it will be carried out by secret vote.

The Network will be governed by a Steering Committee made up of a representative from each founding member institute of the Network and a representative from the IDB. Two of these representatives will be chosen as President and Vice-President of the Network, with a 1-year mandate. The President and Vice-President cannot be from the same country. The Steering Committee will be responsible for: establishing thematic priorities; identifying collective capacity building needs; developing collaborative activities, programs and projects; creating and dissolving working groups; establishing partnerships; mobilizing resources; and proposing and approving new members.
The Steering Committee will propose goals and guidelines to implement the resources available to members, and will prepare an annual operational plan and budget to achieve the agreed goals.
The Network will be able to raise funds for its programs, projects and activities, and the Steering Committee will be responsible for managing negotiations and agreements with interested donors and partners.

The Network has a Technical Secretariat, responsible for conducting the agenda of activities; coordinating the meetings, training and workshops; and the mobilization of members and partners. The IDB will be in charge of the Technical Secretariat during the period of execution of the technical cooperation that finances the creation of the Network (RG-T4161). After the end of this technical cooperation, the Steering Committee will assume responsibility for the Technical Secretariat and evaluate the IDB's continuity in the Committee.

The Technical Secretariat will present an annual report on activities, results and budget execution at the end of each fiscal year. This information will be available on the Network's website. The Steering Committee may request partial reports from the Technical Secretariat, when necessary to support decision-making